
My boyfriend and I came to explore San Diego for two weeks and were more than happy to be staying in the Gillespie House. The hosts could not have been more welcoming. The room was clean and comfortable and the shared spaces were always clean. Our roommates were so friendly, we will really miss having such wonderful neighbors. Mike, Dakee and little Pema were great. The hosts interview each guest to make sure everyone is clean house and will get along. I think the neighborhood is my favorite part. So nice not to be in the middle of the city. I enjoyed hanging out on the porch, taking jogs around the community, watching the birds and squirrels, and checking out the views. Not having a car didn’t stop us from getting familiar with the area. Target, the grocery store, and a lot of other convenient stores were within a 10-20 minute walk and the weather is amazing. Not to mention public transportation is close by and uber offers great deals. We’d love to come back to San Diego and visit the Gillespie House once again, it was a wonderful experience.